My blogging journey has been a rather challenging one. However, I’m thankful for still having my own little space on the internet and for you, constantly creating time to read my posts . Today makes it a year since I went self hosted and I just want to share my creative journey as a Nigerian blogger.
A little back story
So I didn’t just start blogging last year. My first blog started on a free WordPress domain back in 2017. I was quite clueless as to how I would carve a clear niche for myself but I just knew I wanted to share my different life experiences. This came from the urge to help others make informed decisions and just for the sake of sharing really.
I didn’t put out a lot of contents in my early years of blogging and struggled with being consistent. There were so many times I felt like quitting because I had set goals that were never met. Then my brother encouraged me to go self-hosted and keep writing and I’m so glad I took his advice.
I’m still writing and actually enjoying it. Owning this blog has actually helped me grow and given me the opportunity to meet some really amazing people. There’s no way to clearly define the success of my blogging journey because some days my biggest victory is just hitting publish on a blog post or getting the opportunity to work with incredible brands. While on other days, it’s seeing the notification of your comments on my posts.
I’ve joined different communities of Nigerian bloggers and interacting with other creatives has given me a clearer understanding of a lot of things I’ve been doing wrong (or right) as a blogger. One of my favorites has to be The Bloggers Advocate (TBA). The brilliant brain behind it, Alice, has personally helped me grow immensely as a blogger.
One thing I realised as I kept writing was how my creativity also improved. Even when I wasn’t putting out new posts here, my brain couldn’t stop developing new ideas. I can see great improvements in my photography, how I write my captions on other social media platforms, and even how I interact with others online.
In a way, I can say blogging has helped me become more expressive and extroverted. I’ve always been the type of person to have a brilliant idea but do nothing about it. Glad to say NO MORE! My confidence when it comes to sharing my ideas and taking actionable steps to develop them is almost at a 100. I intend to keep this post short as I really can’t share everything today. Truth is, I’m still learning on the job so there’ll be more stories to share.

Thank you so much for sticking around and I hope you stay longer!
What are your favourite posts on my blog currently? If this is your first time here, feel free to read other posts. Let’s chat in the comment section below
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You’re doing amazing sweetie, happy you found your niche.
Thank you very much sis❤️
You look radiant dear. Love the glow and I am glad you’re still here. Bigger wins on the way love. And oh, amazing preset.
Thank You very much. Really appreciate your kind words 🖤🖤
P. Preye
Proud of you sis! Onward, Forward only!!!
Thanks Bro🖤