A bar called paper


My love for dining out is always on the rise just as new restaurants and bars keep springing up. I’ve realized the best way to have a taste of all the new places is to understand the art of Restaurant Hopping.

Restaurant hopping simply means going to different restaurants to try out different foods in a short period of time. It’s very similar to Bar hopping but in this case, instead of trying out just drinks, you try different foods.

1. Number of Restaurants

This is the very first step to a successful restaurant hop. Pick out the number of restaurants you’d like to visit. The idea is to be very specific so you don’t go wandering. I’d say three or four in a day is decent considering you have to wait for the meals and Nigerian restaurants are not the most reliable when it comes to this.

2. Location

One thing you should be very particular about when picking out the restaurants is their locations. I’d strongly advise you pick restaurants in the same neighborhood as this would really help you save cost and time. If you’re planning to go with friends, pick a meetup spot close to the places you plan to visit.

For example, when I went restaurant hopping last year, I got a cab to Tea Room where I met my partner, then we walked to both Marrakech and Honey because all three restaurants were literally on the same street.

3. Have a Budget

I know this may sound pretty serious but the whole idea of Restaurant Hopping is to try meals from as many restaurants as you can. The purpose of the budget is to help you decide how much you want to spend on the whole outing.

After getting an amount in mind, break it down per location. This is the point you get to decide where you’d have just drinks, main course or desserts. During my last hop, I spent well under N8,000 and we visited four places in one day.

Another thing to look out for is restaurants with their menu on their pages. This will make it very easy to decide the amount you want to spend.

4. Read Reviews

So what I always do before I visit any new restaurant is go through their social media pages to have an idea of what to expect. If the page doesn’t seem active, I check their tagged photos to see other people who have visited and what they have to say about the place.

It also helps to check detailed restaurant reviews written by people who have visited. This would help you decide whether to visit at all or what to avoid when you do.

5. Go with a Group

You can decide to do this alone but from personal experience, it’s way better when you have company even if it’s just a friend. You’ll find this very useful when it’s time to take pictures, split bills and even when waiting for your food.

Bonus Tip: Dress for comfort. This is very important especially if you’re planning to visit more than three restaurants in one day. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Thank you for reading. If you found this post helpful, please subscribe so you’d be the first to know when I have a new post.

What do you think of Restaurant Hopping? Is it something you’d like to try? Ever gone Restaurant Hopping? Share your experience! I’d love to read it all


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