

2017inreview goodiescorner
Happy Holidays Fam! 
2017 is gradually coming to an end and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s been a year of testing in every aspect of my life- school, family, relationships, work, etc. A lot has happened this year. It was as if every new month came with new temptations and set backs but guess who made it to the end…This girl! 

Here are some highlights of my year:

The year started pretty well for me as a final year student and baby blogger (still a newbie in the game though). I didn’t really have any resolutions, I just made a bucket list nd honestly I feel really sad that I couldn’t do some of the things on the list. January came with the worst trial in form of a toxic relationship and i battled with it for a while and finally put an end to it few months later.

The month started with my brother’s birthday on the 1st and amidst my joy, the devil still managed to sneak in with a grave disagreement between a friend and I (story for another day though). 
Valentine was a very regular day for me but the good people of Thebloggerpoint and Gafa sandals changed that by picking me as the winner of their giveaway, so I still got a present. Yaay! 

This is always the most significant month for me. It’s my birth month so i tend to do a lot of reflections and spending too. 
My birthday was fun. I celebrated it low key in Abuja. When I tell you the devil really tried it this year! My day was almost ruined (another story) but that’s not possible even if the devil pulls all his forces together. I also got myself a really nice gift which I featured in this post.

I traveled with my bro to Lagos and we finally visited the Lekki Conservation Centre. We had so much planned for th a trip but we only had time to go to LCC.
This was my month of financial breakthrough. By the time I realized that the year was already half way gone and I didn’t have a reasonable amount of money saved. I decided to up my saving habit.
I discovered Piggybankng and my financial life has never been the same. Their app is user friendly and makes saving really easy. If you’re looking to save next year, you should consider it.
Read more about Piggybankng here

I also had my one year nappiversary in August. This was one of my best months thos year. I wrote my very last exam on tbe 1st then had my project defense few days later. School was never my favorite place to be but I still managed to do well by the grace of God. 
At the beginning of the semester I had already given up on the idea of graduating with At least a 4.0 CGPA because I wasn’t satisfied with my results but God came through for me and decided to surprise me with a 4.10 CGPA!! (doing imaginary back flips right now). 
I also had my one year nappiversary in August. Last but definitely not least for this month was my trip to Tarkwa Bay with my brother and some friends. 

Life after school has been filled with lots of boring moments because I spend most of my time at home. I was actually looking forward to the dreaded NYSC camp but they decided to let me drown in my boredom as I wasn’t posted in stream one. 
I got to know about the Pulse Blogger community through Alice of The Bloggers Advocate and Mr Gbenga of Pulse.ng. I indicated interest and was accepted as a probatory contributor. It’s been fun writing about topics that are different from my blog niche.
Read my articles on pulse here: 
Change Practical Ways To Overcome Insecurities | Are You In A Relationship Or Situationship? | Can You Marry An Uneducated Person?

This is definitely one of my favourite months of the year. Christmas celebration in my house is usually characterized by lots of food, music and free cash. Thank God it wasn’t any different This year. 
My blog anniversary is in the next three days!! You can’t even imagine my excitement. Despite my inconsistency I’m so happy th a I can even say I still own a blog and it’s all because of amazing people like you!
Thank you so much for sticking around ❤
If I’m to describe my 2017 in three words, I’d say Tough, Fun and Amazing. 
Can you describe your 2017 using three words? Kindly share in the comment section below.
Connect with me on social media

Goodie. xoxo


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