

2018 goodiescorner goals
Happy New Year! 
2018 is finally here and I’m so glad we made it. I have really high hopes for this year and I’m trusting God for a good year. Unlike 2017, I’ve decided o start learning how to write down my ideas and goals. This is the reason I recently entered a giveaway to win the cassiedaves blog planner and I’m uber excited I won. It’s a perfect new year gift. 

The year has already started on a good note for me and I can’t wait to share all the goodies with you. There are a lot of things I hope to achieve this year and I plan to work hard for them. I would be more intentional when choosing the people I relate with and generally the kind of activities I engage in. This is because I do not want to have any form of negativity around me and I also do not want to have regrets at the end of the year. 

I plan to be daring and take chances even in seemingly difficult situations. In no particular order, these are some of my goals for 2018:
1. Get A Skincare Routine – I’d like to pay more attention to my body and do the most I can to maintain a healthy skin. I have my eyes on products from a number of skincare brands but I’m going to take my time to research on them before I make purchases. I’m open to suggestions too.
2. Travel More – I plan to do a lot of traveling this year. I’d like to visit about 5 or 6 states I’ve never been and also explore my city. I’m aware this would take a lot of money and that’s why my saving habit is going to improve also. And no, I do not plan to make meaningless trips or waste all my savings. I’m all for budget trips with lots of fun. 
3. Write More Travel Posts and Restaurant Reviews – While traveling and exploring different cities, I would create more contents about my experiences and also review restaurants I’d visit.
4. Try The ‘Shoe Challenge’ Again- Some of you may not know this but I tried a ‘shoe challenge’ last year and it was an epic fail. I was supposed to get at least a pair of shoe every month which means I would’ve had atleast 12 pairs at the end of the year. Well I only got about 6 pairs. I’ve decided to try the challenge again because I know I really need new shoes. The thing is, buying them might even be easier than wearing them. I don’t like shoes. As a matter of fact I do not own any pair of heels (Shameful, I know). Anyway 2018 is the year I get my slay on so I’d try my best to keep up and of course I’ll give you updates.
5. Read The Entire Bible And More Books- I’m covering my face in shame as I write this because I’m already behind schedule. I’ve tried this before and i failed but I’m going to do it this year by the grace of God. I don’t have any particular number of books in mind but I plan to do more reading this year.
I’ve left out some of my goals because they’re very personal and I’d really love to keep them between God & I and just pray it all works out. 

So I’m currently hosting my first ever giveaway to celebrate my blog anniversary and the new year. I started two days ago but you’d know that already if you’re following me on Instagram

The third and final giveaway item is this ripped denim skirt by Adbyagbanidarego. Size: Medium 
Follow me on instagram  (@g.preye)
– Subscribe to this blog via e-mail 
– In the comment section, tell me your two favorite posts on this blog
– Repost this image on instagram and tag/mention me with the hashtags #goodiescornergiveaway #goodiesnewyeargiveaway
– All the winners would be picked randomly and announced on my instagram
Good luck! 
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