One Year Nappiversary
Guess who’s been natural for one year? 😊 😊 😊
I wasn’t so sure of what I was doing when I cut my hair but I just knew I was tired of relaxers and having a scarred scalp everytime I retouch my hair. I got a lot of discouragement at first- people were always trying to tell me how hard it is to maintain natural hair, how it’s expensive to be natural and so on.
The truth is I never got discouraged instead I tried to “study” my hair to know what works for me. I got some products and lucky enough for me I bought the WeNaturals Hemp Set which is like the holy grail for my hair.
Being natural has been pretty easy for me. I don’t have a consistent hair regimen but I try to wash my hair once in two weeks or whenever I use a lot of product. I also wear wigs a lot so my hair is always twisted or in simple cornrows. I’ve been to the salon just five times this year because most of the stylists are impatient with natural hair and they are always too happy to recommend “good” relaxers 😐😐😐
I try to avoid any kind of comparison with another person’s journey because hair products and regimen that work for someone else might not work for me. For example, I’m not a fan of coconut oil. Once I try a new product and I don’t like it, I just stop. The worst thing you can do is to continue using products that are not good for your hair just because someone else is using them. I’ve never gotten a proper trim but I intend to do so soon.
You can read about why I started my natural hair journey here.
How long have you been natural and how’s the journey so far? Please leave a comment below
Goodie. xoxo

Tofunmi Disu
I’ve been natural for 8 months. I really don’t use much on my hair though. My hair grows and I’ve got really tight curls that makes it look like it doesn’t grow until i pull it out
Aww the shrinkage struggles. I just believe it’s best to stick with the little that works for you. Thanks for reading
August made it 2yrs and counting… I found out that protective hairstyles like braids and weaves makes my hair longer and they prevent me from always touching my hair
Great Arunwon
Hello! I love your hair . I have been natural hair for 10 months now and i love it .The journey has been amazing so far its just that i notice that i grow below 0.5 inch per month. Your hair seems to be quite long for a year. How many inches do you grow per month,how many inches is it now ,when did you start shedding, and how low was your big chop (i shaved mine completely when i wanted to go natural,wanted to start from scratch) Please i am sorry for all the questions just being curious.
Wow so many questions.. well I’ve never tried to measure my hair so I don’t know how many inches it is. I transitioned for about 8 months so my hair was not so short when I cut it. You can read more about how I started and also check the post below to see pictures.
Great Arunwon
Okay thanks
I’ve been natural for a year and six months and it’s a roller coaster of emotions! Sometimes u think your hair is growing, and u get happy, befor u know it, booom! It shrinks and it looks like you’ve made no progress at all.. also, sometimes it gets softt.. sometimes it gets really strong.. its just asif it has two personalities
Lol I think mine has more than two personalities.
Thanks for reading dear