Tarkwa Bay Lagos
Travel,  Travel Diary


I travelled with my bro and some friends to Tarkwa Bay, Lagos state last weekend. We actually went there because of the beach so we decided to stay in a hotel on the island. We had to take a boat at CMS as Tarkwa Bay is only accessible via water route.

The journey to the beach

This was my first time on a boat and considering the fact that I can’t swim you can imagine how scared I was; In fact, I’ve been in a pool just three times in my entire life. The boat ride cost ₦300 and took about 20 minutes. It wasn’t as scary as i had imagined though. I almost fainted when a man on the boat decided to go on another boat so we had to stop really close to the other boat, then he got up and started making his way to the other boat in the middle of the sea!! My head was already spinning. Really sorry I didn’t take good pictures on the boat.

Le Paradis Hotel

Le paradis hotel tarkwa

We stayed at Le Paradis Hotel and Resorts. The place is really neat and the rooms are nice. They have rooms from ₦6000 to ₦7000. The rooms for ₦6000 have just air conditioners while the ones for ₦7000 have air conditioners and water heaters. I’d strongly recommend the room with water heater because it gets really cold and windy in the mornings and at night. The village seems very peaceful and the people there are living pretty simple lives. They have quite a number of churches but I didn’t see any school or hospital, although one of my friends said he saw a school. After settling into our different rooms, it was time to get food.

Le Padradis Hotel

The hotel didn’t have any meal prepared as meals are made only on order. We were directed to a place we could get food and it took about a ten minutes walk on an old rocky rail track to get there. Everyone was tired by the time we got there, you can imagine how we felt walking back to the hotel. After eating someone suggested going to the beach that night. At first, no one was down with the idea but somehow we ended up at the beach almost 9 pm. Everywhere was dark and all we could hear was the sound of the waves. We spent about 30 minutes there before heading back to the hotel. I was so thrilled at the sight of the waves and I was just waiting for morning so I could actually see it clearly.

Beach Day

We went to the beach around 11 am the next day and didn’t have to pay to enter the beach because we kinda entered from ‘the back’ because of the location of the hotel. We paid ₦1000 for our tent and ₦500 each for a seat then had fun running from the waves, watching some people playing soccer and those surfing. 

me winning a race at tarkwa bay lagos
Me winning a mini race competition 😊
group of friends at tarkwa bay lagos state
The Complete Group
my bro and i at tarkwa bay lagos
My bro and I

My brother had seen a picture of a lighthouse that was close to the beach on Instagram so we decided to look for it later in the evening.


In the process of looking for the lighthouse, we ended up on a different beach called ‘Lighthouse Beach’. The beach was so windy and it has really fine sand. There was no one there so I’m assuming it’s not exactly a commercial beach. It was impossible to get to the lighthouse though. We gave up after getting lost twice.


We made a new friend on the beach. His name is Taye and he’s nine years old. He’s a cheerful little boy and quite chatty too. He showed us the way back to the jetty and also offered to help me with my bag when we were leaving. It was a fun experience and I really enjoyed my stay. 

group of friends at tarkwa bay lagos

Ever been to Tarkwa Bay? Please share your experience and let me know what you think of the place 

Let’s connect on:
Instagram – @g.preye
Twitter – @goodnesspreye


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